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Our team specialized in networking for railways, transportation, GSM-R (Global System for Mobile Communications – Railway), and ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and safe operation of railway networks. Here are the key responsibilities and activities of such a team:

Network Design and Deployment:

  • This team is responsible for designing the data and communication networks used in railway and transportation systems. They ensure that the network infrastructure is reliable, scalable, and capable of meeting the specific communication needs of the railway industry.

GSM-R Implementation:

  • GSM-R is a specialized wireless communication system used in rail transport. This team is tasked with designing the GSM-R network, which provides voice and data communication for train operations and railway staff. This includes radio planning, site deployment, and ensuring network coverage along rail lines.

ERTMS Implementation:

  • ERTMS is a standardized system for train control and signaling in Europe. The team plays a vital role in implementing and maintaining ERTMS, which includes trackside equipment, onboard train units, and the associated communication infrastructure.

Network Security:

  • Railway networks, like any other critical infrastructure, need to be secured against cyber threats and unauthorized access. This team is responsible for implementing robust security measures to protect the integrity and confidentiality of railway communication systems.

Network Monitoring and Maintenance:

  • Ongoing monitoring and maintenance are crucial to ensure network reliability and performance. The team monitors the network for issues, performs regular maintenance, and responds to outages or performance degradation promptly.

Radio Spectrum Management:

  • our team may be responsible for managing the radio frequency spectrum used for railway communication, including acquiring licenses and ensuring interference-free communication.


  • we work to ensure seamless integration of various railway systems, such as signaling, train control, passenger information, and maintenance systems, into the overall network infrastructure.

Compliance and Regulation:

  • Railway communication networks are subject to various regulations and safety standards. The team ensures that the network complies with industry-specific regulations and standards.

Disaster Recovery and Redundancy:

  • Ensuring the network’s resilience and availability is critical in the railway industry. The team designs and implements disaster recovery plans and redundancy solutions to minimize service disruptions in case of network failures.

Capacity Planning:

  • The team assesses the network’s capacity requirements, taking into account growing demands and new technologies, and plans for network expansion as needed.

Training and Support:

  • we provide training and support to railway staff and operators on how to use the network effectively and troubleshoot common issues.

Research and Innovation:

  • Staying up to date with the latest technological advancements and innovations in railway communication is crucial. The team may engage in research and development activities to improve the network’s efficiency and safety.

In summary, our specialized networking team for railways and transportation, GSM-R, and ERTMS is responsible for ensuring the reliable and secure operation of communication systems vital to the safety and efficiency of railway transportation. Our work is critical to maintaining the integrity of railway operations and passenger safety.”

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